RTD´S Pt100 Typ: T20.U.10

Connection head field case
Temperature range:  -50 to +450 °C
Measuring element: Pt 100

Service intended: These rugged thermometers are well suited for machine and apparatus engineering, pressure vessels and piping as well as for environments in chemical process and food industry.

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Connection head
Field case, stainless steel, cable entry: M16 x 1,5 mm
Protection class
IP 65 per EN 60529
Connection socket
Measuring insert tube
Stainless steel 316Ti
Stainless steel 316Ti
Temperature element
Measurement resistance per DIN EN 60751, 1 x Pt100 3-wire circuit
Load Pt100
0,3 ... 1,0 mA
Temperature range
see pages19.0403 - 19.0405
Accuracy class
Class A per DIN EN 60751, ±(0,15 + 0,002 °C x |t|) Class B per DIN EN 60751, ±(0,3 + 0,005 °C x |t|)
Optional extras
see Technical Details

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